The Back Roll on Rings

back roll ring training Nov 16, 2023

The Back Roll on Rings is a more advanced skill that you can train towards after learning a muscle up. 

I also suggest learning the Forward Roll first, not because it helps specifically for the technique of the Back Roll, but because it's just generally much easier to learn than most people. 

Now, if the Back Roll feels completely out of reach for you, don't stress. It took me a few years from when I started training on the Rings in my late thirties to be able to do it. 

What really helped me unlock it after learning the strict muscle up on Rings was also working Ring Turned Out Dips (RTO Dips).

Ring Turned Out Dips exaggerate the load through the biceps, front delt and chest in a way that conditions these areas for application in the Back Roll.

Working sets of 3-5 reps of the RTO Dip for 3-5 rounds is an ideal training volume initially. 

The Back Roll itself isn't just strength, it also has a technique element. 

The key cues to remember are:-

1. Maintain a strong false grip during the Roll.

2. Pull the rings towards the chest hard as you Roll and try to not let them get away from you! 

3. As you pull and roll, you need to get the hips up and over higher than the rings.

5. Aim to send the feet back 45 degrees (approx) as you extend and open through the hip line. This extension (it may feel like a small kip at first) helps with the momentum you need to get back to the front support position. 

Using an elevated box behind you helps feel out the pattern at first. 

Then using a band between the rings also gives you the spot you need to figure it out. You can lighten the band over time. 

When it comes to bailing reps unassisted, if you don't have a good position as you roll and fall too deep between the rings, it's better to simply drop the feet and avoid over stretching the shoulders.

Simply re-set and try again. 

Eventually the strength and timing come together, but stay safe and patient. 

If you want to learn more about how to train on rings, be sure to check out my online course Ring Flow which is $50 off this week! 

As always, happy moving! 


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