Realising Childhood Ninja Dreams....Learn how to Backflip!

back flip flips tricking Oct 12, 2023

 Have you got a bucket list of skills you dreamed of being able to do as a kid?

The Backflip was one of those skills I always wanted to be able to do.

But when I grew up in the 80s...err gee...I'm sounding like my Old Man now HA!....

...there was no Internet, no YouTube...

...just Ninja movies with guys like Bruce Lee and Jacky Chan.

So I never had access to a teacher to learn any of these awesome skills.

As I approached 40, the saying "time waits for no man" started hit home and I realised if I don't start going for some of these dream skills soon, it probably isn't ever going to get any easier later on! 

So, I jumped onto YouTube and found some tutorials and got started.

Now I'm 42 I can do Backflips easy.

What I discovered when learning the Backflip is that a Round-Off Entry makes the Backflip much easier because of the momentum.

It just requires less leg power when you already have some speed and inertia going in.

This week's FREE skill video is the Round Off Backflip which in my opinion is easier than the standing Backflip. 

Traditional gymnasts will be far from impressed by my Bro-Nastics but keep in mind, I learned by myself with no spotter, Im 42, a desk worker and a Dad with no ambitions of making the Olympics.

I just wanted to be able to do it and now I can.

If you have access to a spotter, a gymnasium or even better, a gymnastics coach then use them! 

I personally have never injured myself learning flips. If you take the progressions slowly and build you confidence over time, you can learn safely on your own.

For a deeper dive on some regressions to the Backflip, checkout one of my most popular videos on the Monkey Flip to build that up first! 

If you get value from these FREE videos, can I please ask a Favour? Can you please take a moment to Subscribe to my YouTube channel  (it's totally FREE) as this really helps me on my mission to share Movement with more people! 

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That's it from me this week. 

Happy Moving! 


Grab my FREE Ultimate Lizard Crawl Guide which has 13 variations from Beginner to Advanced (as well are suggested reps) and take your Movement Practice to the next level!


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