Leaving the Matrix through Movement: Ripped, Skilled & Wealthy

May 23, 2023

Last month I sold my home, bought the truck of my dreams & a 21 Foot Caravan and officially left "the Matrix".

If you don't know my backstory, it wasn't so long ago I was an out-of-shape, depressed, alcoholic lawyer.

I used to believed life wasn't short at all....instead it was just one long painful experience that never seemed to end or have any joy or meaning.

It's been a 6 year overhaul since my Divorce but I have now completely changed my body, my career, my skillset and my relationships.

Now I am taking things to the next level by leaving the Matrix for good.

What do I mean by that? 

It means I choose a life of service to those I love most.

My children need a Hero and I take this role seriously. 

Hell, I need a Hero too so my purpose in life is to be the man I always needed.

This man is strong, capable, skilled, wealthy and disciplined. 

He is caring, kind & compassionate. 

He is respected for his work-ethic and for his devotional service to others.

He knows that serving the world brings meaning and joy to his life over and above the pursuit of selfish hedonistic excessive pleasure. 

He's got abs but can have intelligence conversations.

He's the guy you can depend on and always trust to do what he says.

He's the new Me.

And it feels good! 

So why am I telling you all this and how can it help you?

Well, when you figure a few things out in life after coming through immense suffering, the kind that makes you not want to be alive anymore, then you feel obligated to share.

The good news is, it's very simple to transform. 

Simple, but not easy.

Simple, because you only need to pay attention to a few small things. 

Not easy, because doing these small things day in day out consistently as non-negotiables takes discipline & faith.

In a world of instant gratification, these are rare qualities. 

But time will pass anyway, so you might as well fill it with the small consistent efforts that stack up and compound into transformational wins.

Hey, you might even learn to enjoy the Process more than the Destination along the way like I have! 

The Body

You need to move. Daily. 

I personally enjoy bodyweight, calisthenic, gymnastic inspired skills as my focus for training. It never gets boring and there are endless skills to pursue that also get you jacked and ripped as go.

I love the gymnastic rings, p-bars, handstands, locomotion, soft acrobatics and mobility training.

I share examples on Instagram every day these skills. For some ideas, check these out:-

- Bent Arm Strength Vs Straight Arm Strength

- 7 Levels of Locomotion - To go even further into locomotion flow work, check out my online course here.

- Stiff Spine Relief

- P-Bar Strength Drills

One way to guarantee results with your movement program is to hire a coach. 

Online training took my own movement game to another level and I am passionate about it for these reasons:-

1. You don't know what you don't know - there's no substitute for having a more experienced teacher check your form and help you with corrections (you can save months if not years of mistakes with the right help).

2. It works for people that are busy or struggle to get to public classes or gyms.

3. Being accountable to someone weekly helps keep you on track, especially during those hard weeks when you feel like giving up.

Online coaching isn't for everyone. It takes a level of commitment to practice to get the most out of it.

I enjoy this about it because it helps cultivate personal responsibility (that was a part missing from the old me - he liked things done for him and when things didn't go his way, he liked to blame others for his misfortunates)

If you want to discuss a custom program that comes with an easy to use App, set up a free call with me here.

The Food

If you want to build muscle and get ripped plus feel great, you need a food plan.

Don't get me wrong, I hate counting calories as much as the next person. 

But unless you understand some basic concepts around macro-nutrients and how to quantify what to eat to hit your goals, you're training efforts wont give you abs and vein popping biceps.

The good news is once you do pay attention to your nutrition for a while, it becomes second nature.

You don't need fancy expensive supplements, just good food you enjoy in the right quantity.

I can help with all this. 

Your Creation

Each day we need to take a step towards our dream. 

When I first started my movement journey as a way to heal and recover after hitting rock bottom, I had no idea that my daily workouts would someday empower me to help others. 

By showing up each day for myself (which really meant showing up each day as a better man and as a better example for my kids), I was learning new skills that would later turn into business opportunities. 

As it turns out, healthy, strong, motivated & well balanced men who aren't alcohol or drug dependent are kind of rare these days! In fact, they are in high demand for positions of leadership in many fields! 

By improving my health, new opportunities arose.

Now some people don't want to be coaches and I get that (we can't all be and nor should we be), but the clarity and focus that comes from being a healthier version of yourself gives you the drive you need to work on what ever direction it is you choose for yourself.

You'll have more energy to dive deeper into the career you already enjoy, or if you're looking to make a change, the confidence to start in a new direction.

The key is to be doing something towards that new direction every day, even if that's just taking really good care of yourself.

Getting Support

We're not mean to do life alone. 

We're tribal primates by nature. We need strong leaders to teach us the way. 

I've had many teachers and coaches, mentors, therapists and trainers. In fact, I am constantly studying and working with support! 

So find a good teacher to help you overcome your current obstacles and learn the skills you need to live a fulfilling meaningful life.

You can book a free call with me to discuss your goals if you want to explore a custom plan to help you on your way.

My mission is to help as many of you that might be suffering with some of the same problems I overcame. 

Addiction. Heart Break. Hating on my Career. Lack of Motivation. All that $hit. 

It doesn't have to be that way and in this second half of my life I show up each and every day in service of those less fortunate. 

I do this by being the kind of example of Man I wished I had!

Living and breathing my own non-negotiables and never letting you, myself or my kids, family or friends down....EVER! 

You know what, this has not only turned me into the wealthiest, happiest, healthiest version of myself....it's also lifted those around me and attracted better quality people into my life! 

If any of this lands for you and you want to learn what's helped me, book a call and I will share everything with you, no holding back.

Let's get strong, healthy and happy together so we can help other people we care about suffer less too! 

Chat soon.



Grab my FREE Ultimate Lizard Crawl Guide which has 13 variations from Beginner to Advanced (as well are suggested reps) and take your Movement Practice to the next level!


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Free Sample Movement Program

It's impossible for me to customise a program for you without first assessing your current attributes but here is a sample of just a few drills anyway.