Movement: A Remedy to the Mid-Life Crisis

May 01, 2024

"A midlife crisis is defined as a period of emotional turmoil in middle age, around 40 years old, characterized by a strong desire for change" - Forbes

Mine happened prematurely at 35.

Remember the day you found out Santa wasn't real? 

There were signs. 

A flying sleigh pulled by floating reindeer defied the laws for physics, even for a 6 year old.

How Santa got his fat ass down every chimney in the world in a single night also offered questions.

But hey, "belief" is a helluva drug! 

Standing on my childhood driveway on a sunny afternoon, the older neighbourhood kids laughed as I defended the existence of Santa. 

When they left, it hit me like a pie in the face.  

I've been duped!  

My midlife crisis felt much the same.

I was taught to believe in higher education. To get a degree (just make sure its either Law, Medicine or Engineering).

Get a mortgage. A white picket fence. A sensible car (nothing too flashy) big enough to fit a Wife and Two kids.

Buy an investment property. Two if you can. Start a business in the field you studied. 

Mow your lawn nice, wear a polo shirt, shop at Ikea and buy homewares on Saturdays.  

This was the recipe for happiness. The Australian Dream in all it's Glory. 

I arrived at the Dream a little earlier than some, blessed by a buoyant property market and the expansion of my own law firm.

Paradoxically, my acquisition of the Dream came at the cost of feeling utterly and entirely miserable. 

Not even 27 standard drinks a night could numb me from the inescapable knowing that this summit was just another Santa Clause.

Only now I had a beard and beer belly.

Feelings of humiliation and anger were eventually surpassed by something more serene....

Giving up.

Surrender is a beautiful thing. It's as though the weight of life is lifted from your tired shoulders layer by layer.

I gave up on drinking. 

I gave up on the stress that caused my drinking. 

I gave up on negative relationships.

I gave up on my career as a lawyer.

I gave up on the Australian Dream.

What I had now was a blank canvas and a chance to start again. 

Yes, people thought I was crazy (and still do), but to me the chance to ask myself these questions became a bigger priority:

  1. What values do you want to live by now?
  2. How do you want to spend what time you have left on this Earth?
  3. Who do you want to spend it with?

These questions shaped and continue to shape my ongoing comeback. 

Coz you know, who doesn't love a good comeback! 

Wellness is now vital to the journey. 

A healthy body is key, but a well trained mind and a peaceful heart is just as important. 

This week I sat down with Andrew Rayner on the Midlife Mavericks Podcast to discuss this all in greater detail. 

You can jump in and have a listen by clicking the button below:


Looking to make some changes of your own? I have a bunch of resources to help you get started or take your movement game to new levels.

But my favourite offering is my growing community of amazing humans all around the world on the Move with Aaron online movement platform. 

This platform provides you follow along workouts and professional movement programming for mobility, strength, rings, locomotion, handstands and heaps more.

Grab your free trial today

That's it for this week trendsetters. 

Until next time.

Happy Moving.



Grab my FREE Ultimate Lizard Crawl Guide which has 13 variations from Beginner to Advanced (as well are suggested reps) and take your Movement Practice to the next level!


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