Teaching with Giants in the Land of Gods

Nov 14, 2023

It felt like being cast in a marvel movie all assembling in Bali last month. 

Sondre Berg is pretty much Thor the God of...err...Handstand Push Ups.

I think of myself as the Aussie Wolverine. Movement has slowed down my aging process and healed my various injuries! 

Harry Williams is the Professor of the Group. 

Leo Moves can Break-Dance Fight and Roxi Smith is stronger than most men! 

If none of these names are familiar to you, then allow me to introduce these 3 highly skilled movement teachers to you after having had the pleasure of teaching alongside them at the recent "Gains" movement retreat in Bali.

They each have a very unique skillset and approach to movement in addition to being freakishly obsessed with it.

Sondre Berg 

Attempting to become the first man alive to perform a strict one arm handstand push up, Sondre is pushing the boundaries of what's possible with bodyweight strength. 

He arrived at the retreat with several light yellow coloured resistance bands, colour coded perfectly with his long Viking hair and several short thick handled P-bars dangling from his pack.

90 Degree Push Ups and Mexican (Hollow Back) Handstands were on the training agenda and he taught us his favourite drills for unlocking these skills. 

For some guided inspiration into these skills and to get a feel for what we worked on at the retreat, check out these tutorials he has created:

How to do the 90 Degree Push Up

How to do the Mexican (Hollow Back) Handstand

Meeting Sondre for the first time in person was a terrific experience and the real highlight was seeing him demonstrate a one arm handstand push up (with just one finger tip for support). 

I have no doubt that if any human alive is capable of unlocking a strict one arm handstand push up then it's him! 

Harry Williams 

Harry is one of the most sought after Handbalancing teachers in Australia having built himself a formidable one arm handstand practice among other things.

Known for his baggy track pants (even in 90% Balinese humidity!) and love of Wu-Tang Clan street music, he has one of the most detail orientated approaches to teaching adults Handstands.

He is truly a professor of Handbalancing and has many impressive students of his own all around the world who can do one arm handstands, presses and much more.

Harry has been more active on Instagram in recent months and you can get access to his mind here for all things Handbalancing. 

Leo Moves

Coming out of Zurich, Leo has carved out a unique place in the Movement scene using what he calls "Breakletics".

Inspired by his background in Break-Dancing, he created a modified high intensity training style that improves co-ordination and fitness.

I had a fantastic experience learning from Leo and seeing him perform some of the high level break dancing moves in person was inspiring. 

Leo shares an enormous amount of content on his Instagram page which you can check out here.

Roxi Smith

Strength & Mobility is Roxi's game having come through the Athletic Truth Group (ATG) system of coaching.

She taught us some terrific drills that all seem to work on strength & mobility simultaneously.

Coming from Noosa, Australia she has an inspiring Instagram page with loads of tips, especially for Women who want to get strong and flexy. Check her out here.

Aaron Griffiths

Who's this Guy??? 

What can I say. Teaching alongside these weapons at my first International Retreat was a special experience.

Seeing how other dedicated practitioners teach and train was educational and inspiring. 

You learn so much at these retreats which offer us an idealistic bubble away from the real world. 

A space where we can simply enjoy the art of movement and learning new skills with supportive enthusiastic people. 

I always leave these events with new even loftier goals but most importantly, with deeper friendships and a stronger community.

My Offerings 

I will be offering workshops and retreats in 2024 so stay tuned for future announcements in the New Year for those opportunities. 

Move with Aaron is my new membership site that will be released later this month. I'm excited to bring this platform to you with the following very cool features:-

- Follow along classes (short and full length) for Upper & Lower Body Strength & Mobility, Handstands, Rings, Locomotion and more.

- Skill Tutorials (Gymnastic Skills, Soft Acrobatics etc).

- Exercise Library.

- Community.

- Accessible all via App or Desktop on any device.

- Low cost monthly subscription (or discounted annual price).

In the meantime, my online courses Locomotion Flow and Ring Flow remain on sale (use code FLOW22 for 20% off).

Until next time....Happy Moving! 




Grab my FREE Ultimate Lizard Crawl Guide which has 13 variations from Beginner to Advanced (as well are suggested reps) and take your Movement Practice to the next level!


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Free Sample Movement Program

It's impossible for me to customise a program for you without first assessing your current attributes but here is a sample of just a few drills anyway.